Security @ GIMPA

The security situation around GIMPA is stable but demands general caution, particularly in the evenings or when using the roads surrounding the campus. GIMPA has been proactive in addressing security concerns by coordinating with local authorities, Ghana Police and increasing security measures, such as improving street lighting and monitoring high-risk areas. Although there are no current alarming security threats, it's still essential to take some level of precautions to ensure safety throughout the conference.

The following are Safety Tips for Conference Participants

Use Designated Transport -  If you're attending late sessions or networking events, consider using designated transport options, such as shuttle services provided by the conference organizers or ride-hailing apps. Travel with other attendees if possible.

Stick to Well-Lit and Populated Areas - Stay within the well-lit and populated parts of the campus, particularly in the evenings. GIMPA has lighting in critical areas to improve safety at night.

Secure Valuables - Keep personal items such as laptops, phones, and conference materials secure, especially in crowded areas. Use a small, cross-body bag to keep belongings close and out of sight.

Be Aware of Your Surroundings - Stay alert, especially in unfamiliar parts of the campus. If you feel unsure, ask conference staff or security personnel for assistance. Avoid distractions like using your phone excessively while walking.

Report Suspicious Activity - If you notice anything unusual, promptly report it to the conference organizers or campus security. GIMPA's security team is responsive and available to assist.

Follow Conference Protocols - Pay attention to any security announcements or protocols shared by the conference organizers. These might include specific exits, gathering points, or emergency contacts.

By following these straightforward safety measures, you can enjoy the SmartBlock4Africa conference without concerns.